Hunted 2019

17th November 2019

Hunted 2019

Teams of Scouts, Explorers, and Guides from across the District and Portsmouth, had to evade capture, obtain money and collect items to help them escape to the safety of Shepherd Park. The teams were set off from a secret, secure location and came across a large open field with several market stalls to explore. At one of the stalls they used morse code to work out what they would need to get to safety, then they took part in some games of chance to gather money to purchase a visa to get across the border. Once through the border the teams had to find some of the many characters to help them, help an injured agent and negotiate a tip wire maze, whilst avoiding The Butcher. When teams had collected their tent peg, string and bamboo cane, they could make their way to Home Control and the safety of Shepherd Park.

Winners 1st Faversham Scouts, Red Pandas Explorers

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Youth Sections


4-6 years

6–8 years


8–10½ years

10½–14 years

14–18 years

18–25 years

Contact us

Faversham District Scout Council
Shepherd Park Activity Centre
Plumford Road
Faversham, Kent
ME13 0LT

Telephone: 0300 102 4621
